A great file downing manager with support for 3 simultaneous downloads and multithreading funtionality. Grab Advanced Download Manager Pro 5.0.9 today and download files with ease and speed.

Requirements: Android 4.0 and up
Size: 1.3MB
Rating: 4.6/5
Type: Tools

ADM user reviews:
“The best multi-part resumable download manager for Android. Extremely reliable, tidy, quick and with built-in browser can handle all sorts of links and content.” -Alex

“Even though I paid for ADM Pro I had to remove it because I could not blacklist my financial sites. ADM can not properly download .pdf files from my bank and other financial institutions. The developer is responsive but does not seem interested in doing anything about this glaring defect.” -Mark

“The best download manager for android that I used since 2011. In the past when the app got removed, the dev quickly gave me the apk and told me that I could ask him any time for every update.” -Aran 

Advanced Download Manager Pro features: 
 – download up to three files simultaneously;
– accelerated download by using multithreading (9 parts)
– interception of links from the browser and clipboard;
– icon of the program and downloading progress in the notification panel;
– backup list of downloads and settings on SD card;
– completion notification by sound and vibration;
– resume after reconnection or program restart;
– save different file types in different folders;
– built-in browser for sites with registration;
– plan files download on a schedule;
– widget on your home screen;
– site manager;

What’s new in version 5.0.9 build 50944
– Fixed bugs in Browser and Settings. 
– New commands “Share” and “Open” in context menu.
– New quick option “Exit after completion” in Left menu – Tools.
– New option “Hide Left menu for tablets in landscape orientation” in Settings – Interface.
– If update does not work correctly – Clear data and cache.

– Updated light theme (Settings – Interface)
– Left menu pushed over the toolbar.
– Displays selected sort and filter.

Ver 4.1.8 
– in the context menu displays the number of selected downloads;
– long press Back button closes the program (how to Exit in the Left menu)
– on Android 5 Lollipop background white icons in the notification bar will be colored...

Ver 4.1.5
Added quick option “Left menu – Downloading – Folder for files”
Added quick options “Left menu – Tools – Vibration and Sound”
ADM Browser supports the context menu for links by long tap.
Address bar of ADM Browser supports autocomplete.

Screenshots (click to enlarge)

Advanced Download Manager Pro 5.0.9 APK:
ADM Play Store


Previoius versions:
ver 5.0.2 | ver 4.1.8 | Ver 4.1.6

Many of us get to that moment when we’re in dire need for offline maps but don’t have them either because we have no app for that or no network coverage. All-In-One Offline Maps + 2.2 (Plus/Paid full version, adfree) rectifies that by downloading any map you want or need for offline viewing with a wide range of tools at your disposal to manage them!

Requirements: varies with device
Size: 4MB
Rating: 4.6/5
Type: Travel

User review:
A wealth of maps to choose from. This app is great for planning hikes and navigating in the field. I import GPX files before every trip. It allows creating a route directly from the app. 

Features of All-In-One Offline Maps + (full):
This Paid/Plus version includes all features of the Standard version without ads, and supports import of professional GPS and geographic landmarks file formats like GPX, Google Earth KML/KMZ, OziExplorer WPT, CVS/TSV and Geocaching LOC

A lot of maps are available, including classical road maps, topographic maps, aerial (satellite) maps and various layers that can be added over any maps: OpenStreetMap (Roads, Topo), USGS National Map (Hi-res topo, Aerial imagery), Worldwide Sovietic topo maps, Google Maps, Bing Maps, Yahoo Maps, Yandex Maps, and various per-country topo maps (incl. Europe, UK, Spain, Italy).
– All maps can be stacked in layers, with precise opacity control.
– Select and store large areas in few clicks.
– Stored space is clear and can be easily deleted.
– Display, store and retrieve unlimited landmarks
– On-map GPS Localization & Orientation

For more details please visit the Play Store

What’s new in version 2.2
(November 12, 2015)
– Added storage workspaces allowing to store temporary data and to clear only parts of the map storage;
– New measure tool to quicky compute distances and bearings between any points;
– Continuous map display towards east and west;
– Improved on-map heading icon;
– Improved favorite maps and sets;
– Various improvements and bug fixes.
– Improved support of Android 6.0 (Marshmallow);
– Various improvements and bug fixes.

Screenshots (click to enlarge)

Download All-In-One Offline Maps + 2.2 APK:

moBased on Games Workshop’s multiplayer board game from 1995, Warhammer Quest is a singleplayer turn-based dungeon crawler with procedurally-generated dungeons. Warhammer Quest 1.1.5 mod apk will unlock further inapp purchases so you can play with no restrictions!


Requirements: Android 4.0 and up
Size: 524MB
Rating: 4.5/5
Type: Role Playing

Game user reviews:
“Finally we are starting to get premium titles for android. Iaps are present, but are mostly for more premium content, dlcs like more player characters, weapons, enemies, adventures etc. This feels fair as the core Warhammer Quest game is very cheap and it is for actual content as opposed to consumables (which are destroying mobile gaming). You can buy gold, though so far I have felt no need. The game is stable, graphics and sound are clear, clean and of excellent quality.” -Michael

“The game is loaded with in-game purchases! If you pay for a game it shouldn’t feel freemium. Looks like all additional characters are a few quid each to unlock, plus enemy packs. Shame because it looks like Warhammer Quest has some promise. Back to some action with Warhammer 40k carnage for now.” -Matthew

“To sum up: Enter the dungeon, kill the mobs. Level up and kit up. Some lite rpg elements to keep it entertaining. So far no crashes. IAP purchase is a little pricey but you could play and never buy any.”

Features of Warhammer Quest for Android:
Based on the classic tabletop game, Warhammer Quest is an addictive mix of role-playing and strategy.
Lead your group of brave adventurers through the perilous dungeons of the Warhammer World in the search for wealth and glory!
Level up your party of heroes. Loot weapons, armour and mysterious artefacts from fallen enemies. Crush Orcs, Goblins, Trolls and more ferocious enemies!

What’s new in version 1.1.5
– Support for Nexus5X added
– Fix for corrupted text on Intel Z3745 based devices such as Asus Memopad/Transformer Pad.
– Fixed “Missing expansion file” incorrectly showing.
– Now reverts back to most recent local backup in more circumstances where cloud saves cannot be accessed
Ver 1.1.1
– Fix for Grey Minstrel’s Revenge not completing in some circumstances.
Turning off cloud saves from the settings menu now gives you the option to copy your cloud saved games (if still available) to local storage. Please note if you choose “Yes” this will overwrite existing local saves.

Download Warhammer Quest v1.1.5 APK+DATA:
WQ Play Store

Download links (including previous versions)

Install Apk, Extract Sd Dat and copy ‘com.ChilledMouse.WQ’ folder to sdcard/Android/obb, Launch the Game!

Frederic Chopin is back for more keytar duels in Frederic – Evil Strikes Back for Android. The Muses are in trouble again, pop music sucks, and only a legendary pianist can put things right!

Requirements: Android 2.3 and up
Size: 270MB
Rating: 4.5/5
Type: Music

Features Frederic Evil Strikes v1.0 for Android:

Defeat famous opponents in musical duels. Immense yourself in fantastic story of Frederic’s endeavors. Catch all the Easter Eggs and subtle parodies hidden in the background. Practice your skills until perfection and become the Master of the Piano. Defeat the evil forces and save the art of soulful music!
– 10 challenging musical duels with some of the most renown pop stars
– 10 fantastic, catchy tracks, inspired by Frederic Chopin’s composition and different music genres.
– Quirky story with tons of parody and twists
– Extremely easy to get to, but hard to master gameplay
– Hand-painted animated comic
– Achievements and leaderboards

Download Frederic – Evil Strikes Back APK + DATA:
frederic2 Store

Install Apk, Extract Sd Dat and copy ‘com.forever.frederic2new’ folder to sdcard/Android/obb, Launch the Game!

Play as an elite covert special ops soldier and eliminate dangerous criminals using pretty awesome weapons in this newly released first-person shooter (FPS) of the sniping variety. In Kill Shot 2.5 mod you are provided with unlimited ammo to make your job a tad bit easier. All you need to do is hold your breath, pull the trigger, and watch some brains spatter the ground.

Requirements: Android 4.0 and up
Size: 52MB
Rating: 4.4/5
Type: Simulation

User review:
It’s pretty easy to play so far – Kill Shot mod seems to have a lot of weapon customization and a lot of levels to play through. It is a little glitchy though. If the phone goes to sleep the game locks it up, and it starts up slow. Also, I can’t stand the concept of “energy” that limits gameplay. Good gameplay though and you can play without real money if you’re willing to really grind and watch ads.

Kill Shot for Android features:
You are a covert special ops soldier ready to play your part in dangerous military FPS attacks and silent assassin missions.
– Upgrade your sniper rifle to improve accuracy, damage and range.
– You are a sniper, your job is to locate and eliminate hidden targets. Make the Kill Shot!
– Over 800 first person shooter missions to complete.
– Awesome 3D graphics.
– Unforgettable bullet cam kill shot moments.
– Global Ops event system with prizes to be won
– 50 unique maps and stunning locations.
– Over 100 different deadly weapons to choose from
– Maximize your firepower with 4 weapon classes: Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, Shotgun, SAW Gun.
– Unlock powerful upgrades for every weapon.
– Awesome power-ups: Spotter, Slow-Mo (slow down time for the perfect Kill Shot), Armor-Piercing Bullets.
– Leaderboards and Achievements.

What’s modded in Kill Shot 2.5: (by RG)
Unlimited Ammo
No Reload

What’s new in version 2.5
The temperature is dropping fast and the enemies are trying to capitalize! Defend the City from the biggest heist in the first winter storm of the year!
NEW Joint Ops Event!
– Team up with the community against a common goal!
– Beat the Kill Coin requirement to unlock rewards for all participants!
– Be on the lookout for the first Ops!
NEW City Winter Storm!
– 50 new Primary Missions!
– 5 new Black Ops Missions!
– 6 new weapons, including the Quinn Arctic Fox Sniper Rifle!

Download Kill Shot v2.5 MOD APK:
Killshot Store

Install Kill Shot and play!

Try to survive the traps in Timeless Journey 1.4, a physics-based indie side-scrolling adventure for android. The immersive music and atmosphere with the unique gameplay will definitely get you hooked!

Requirements: Android 2.3 and Up
Size: 22MB
Rating: 4.3/5
Type: Adventure

Game user reviews:
“This game could be one of those games that is up there in the top 100 apps of all time if the controls were adjusted. Maybe make it our choice between “joystick or controller”. It’s a gorgeous game, pleasing background music and sound effects, but some changes need implementation. EDIT: all fixed in v1.2.1” -Michelle

“No way to exit stage in game on nexus 5 (no soft keys in full screen mode). Also as a idea for a Timeless Journey update, a hard mode should be added, say 1 life per level.” -Ben

Let us know what you think of the game after you’ve played it, thanks!

Features of Timeless Journey 1.4 for Android:
– sidescroller / platformer with realistic physics
– Beautiful graphic design
– Every single Level offers a unique atmosphere and gameplay experience
– Parallax effects
– Complex organic sound landscapes
– A variety of music genres from jazz to cinematic orchestral soundtracks
– Elegant and timeless menu design
– No in-app purchase
– No advertising
– No registration required
– No collection of personal data

What’s new in apk version 1.4

Enjoy the new World “Surface”
very special atmosphere
play over under the water surface
Ver 1.3
– Enjoy a new world “Volcano”
– Level-Design improvements with more details
– improved gameplay balance
– introducing a new APP icon design

Ver 1.2.1
New advanced GameController!
– very comfortable to control
– optimized for small and big displays
– gives you a visual feedback
– now you can control the Speed
– minor improvements

Screenshots (click to enlarge)

Download Timeless Journey 1.4 APK:

Welcome to Shelter version 2.1.19, a robust and addictive tactical card game for Android by Survivalist Games. It is an indie-bred combination of the turn-based collectible cards and tower defense genres set in a zombie apocalypse.

Requirements: Android 2.3 and up
Size: 46MB
Rating: 4.2/5
Type: Board

User review:
I couldn’t even make it through the tutorial because it was forcing to use a card that required more AP than I had. Not to mention how long it took me too get there because it takes me at least 20 tries to select something on the board!

Features of Shelter game for Android:
Shelter is an exciting new zombie card-dueling game. Playing like a hybrid of a collectible card game and the castle defense genre. Shelter provides hours of challenging play featuring:
– Deep but accessible gameplay. Easy to learn. Hard to master.
– More than 100 game cards.
– Integrated deck builder for deeply customizable play.
– Graphic novel & comic inspired hand drawn artwork.
– Compelling story and characters.
– 5 Campaign levels including a free roaming level.

What’s new in version 2.1.19
– Fixed out-of-order issues when repeatedly playing comic sequences
– Switched back button to take user to menu during sequences, not skip forwards

Download Shelter v2.1.19 APK:
Shelter Play Store

“Gameplay is played out on a five by three grid. The bottommost portion of the grid is where you place your weapons. At the top, zombie cards are placed. Five pre-spawned barricades stand between you and the horde, each with its own health and armor rating. Damage to a barricade’s health is permanent, but its armor absorbs damage every attack. Once a barricade is eliminated, all that stands between you and a bloody end is your weapons, 50 health, and the turn it takes each zombie to get up in your space…” more details on hardcoredroid.com

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